People suffer accidents. That doesn't mean they should suffer all the financial burdens that come with it.

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Civil Legalation

Pratice Area

There are many types of personal injury cases that we handle from slips & falls, premise accidents, intentional torts, but the most common form of accidents are the ones involving motor vehicles such as automobile collisions, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, potholes or municipal property including buses, traffic signs, walls.

If you have been in an accident and not only hurt yourself, but accrued medical bills, lost wages, damaged property, you may be entitled to compensation. At the Law Office of Reed Yurchak we have a decade of experience handling these types of cases and more for our clients. Best of all, you don’t have to spend a dime – we don’t get paid unless you do.


Most car accident in Seattle causes not only physical limitations but also setbacks in personal life, relationships and then to employment. Have you been faced with these difficulties? You deserve full and fair compensation with the help of a personal injury attorney. Attorney Reed Yurchak will give you the means to begin the healing process.

At the Law Office of Reed Yurchak, attorney Reed Yurchak provides skilled, vigorous representation for car accident victims and families that have lost a loved one in a severe car accident. Reed has years of experience in personal injury law and is passionate about helping injured people and holding those responsible accountable.

Personal Injury may include the following accidents involving motor vehicles such as automobiles, trucks, commercial vehicles, government vehicles – buses, motorcycles, bicycles, and pedestrians. Slips, trips, and falls cause numerous deaths and injuries in workplaces, schools and in homes.


aw Office of Reed Yurchak is committed to recovering peace of mind for personal injury victims through pursuing fair and reasonable compensation and obtaining justice for each of our injured clients and their families. We believe everyone deserves fair and equal representation. Whether or not you have money, we accept all car-accident and personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning we don’t collect any fees until you are awarded damages.

Slips are the result of too little friction or a lack of between the footwear and the floor surface. A trip is the result of a foot striking or colliding with an object, which causes a loss in balance, and usually a fall. Studies show that 66% of falls occur on the same level as a result of slip or trip.

Premises liability (known in some common law jurisdictions as occupiers’ liability) is the liability that a landowner or occupier has for certain torts that occur on their land. “In Washington, the degree of duty a property owner owes depends on whether the injury happened in a setting in which the injured party was an invitee, a licensee or a trespasser.”

An intentional tort is a wrongful act in which harm or injury is caused to another person. The term “tort” covers a vast range of actions in tort law, and is divided into subcategories, which include “intentional tort.” An intentional tort occurs when a person intends to perform an action that causes harm to another.

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Well, attorney Reed Yurchak is a knowledgeable, experienced and compassionate personal injury lawyer. He is dedicated to representing those who have been injured by the careless actions of others in civil matters. He will work with you to process, strategize and develop a plan so that you would be in the strongest position possible for a desired trial outcome.



Whether it is a minor fender bender, catastrophic collision, or something somewhere in between, Reed Yurchak will represent your interests without delay. Traffic Accidents and Vehicle Collisions can result in injury, death, vehicle damage, and property damage, and can significantly disrupt your life. And while a number of factors contribute to each and every incident, our primary goal never changes: getting you back to where you were before the accident.


Not all auto accidents involve personal injuries, some only result in property damage and you could benefit from legal assistance when filing a property damage claim. Property Damage includes everything from actual vehicle damage to damaged personal property that was inside the car at the time of the accident.

If you are in an Auto accident and your vehicle has been damaged, you should take immediate action. By hiring a personal injury attorney to handle the property damage from an accident we can help ensure that all the repairs get covered by insurance, you vehicle is repaired quickly and competently and obtain compensation for any damaged property. When your car is damaged, you have the right to have it returned to the condition it was in before the accident. And as skilled Personal injury attorneys, we will seek subrogation for reimbursement of any damages you pay.


If you have been in a car accident and the other driver was at-fault but does not have insurance, you may end up filing a claim under the uninsured motorist provision of your own insurance policy. You must act quickly when filing a claim because time can be limited. In some situations, you can choose to sue the at-fault driver to recover damages. As soon as you know the at-fault driver is underinsured you should make your underinsured motorist claim immediately.

Whatever your specific circumstances, after you have been in an auto accident dealing with an uninsured motorist doesn’t have to be a headache. At Law office of Reed Yurchak, we are professionals, experienced in handling uninsured motorist claims and dealing with insurance companies and we are dedicated to obtaining justice and representing those who have been injured by the negligence or careless actions of others in civil matters.

At the Law Office of Reed Yurchak we have seen many types of personal injury cases. Despite the variety, because we have decades of experience from both sides of the case – insurance carriers, defense attorneys for doctors and corporations, we have a uniquely broad view of how cases are brought, litigated and settled.

Some examples of outcomes for our clients include: Pedestrian hit by a government vehicle at a cross-walk, $200k, Uninsured motorist hit by a speeding police vehicle, $1.2m, Recovery on behalf of a child who suffered brain injuries as a result of hospital negligence, $8m, Wandering/wrongful use of mind-altering drugs, $4.75m, Physical abuse, $2.3m, Physical and mental abuse, $1m, and Birth injury due to obstetrician error, $1m.

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After a motor vehicle accident, valuable evidence, witnesses, and details are quickly lost either by the roads continuously being used, individual memories fading, or facts of the case and individuals or corporations liable changing their story. That is why contacting a personal injury attorney immediately is essential for you to protect your claim.

Being in a motor vehicle accident is time-consuming, destructive or damaging to property, health, and even the unfortunate cases of loss of life. This doesn’t even account for the time and energy that will be spent working with the police and insurance companies deflecting fault, expenses, and ensuring no one gets paid. After an accident, the determination of who is at fault can be a complicated task, even if the other party is at fault, you have to be able to prove in a court of law that the other party failed in practicing due diligence which caused your damages.

Even if the other party was at fault due to driver error, negligence, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Seattle weather is also at fault, and may further complicate the distribution of damages. In Seattle, within the last 3 years, a collision occurs every 4.5 minutes.  person dies every 16 hours.

A person is injured in a crash every 11 minutes. A motorcyclist was in a crash every 4 hours. A pedestrian or bicyclist was involved in a crash every 2.5 hours.  A  pedestrian or bicyclist is killed in a crash every 4 days.  A  speeding driver is involved in a crash every 27 minutes.  An inattentive or distracted driver is involved in a crash every 12 minutes. A personal was killed by an impaired driver every 1.5 days.

Within the last three years in Seattle, 117,053 total collisions occurred in one single year (2015) out of  6,252,554 registered vehicles and 59.7 billion vehicle miles traveled.  Out of those traveled miles,  416,699 speeding citations were filed with the Washington Courts, 33,697 involved cell phones or texting, and 26,363 involved DUI or physical control of the vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs which were filed with the Washington State Courts. 

Accidents occurred more frequently on Friday between 5 pm and 5:59 pm, least frequently on Sunday, 3 am – 3:59 am. December reported the most amount of crashes versus the least in February (271 per day).  Inattention and distraction was the most frequent contributing factor among all collisions.  The largest responsible collection of factors for motor vehicle accidents were impairment (driver or non-motorist), speeding, lane departures (including run-off-the-road and head-on crashes). intersection related, and young drivers ages 16-25.

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If you are injured in an auto accident be certain you get fair compensation for your auto accident injuries, lost wages, pain and suffering, disability and other damages. We have represented car accident victims with a wide array of injuries and medical treatment, including life-threatening injury requiring emergency surgery; bone fractures; concussions; epidural anesthesia; whiplash; back injury.

Who is at fault for an auto accident and to what extent will depend on a multitude of factors, some or all of which may be disputed by various parties and witnesses.


Pedestrian accidents can result in serious injury for the obvious reason that a pedestrian struck by a vehicle is prone and unprotected.

Liability for the injury is not automatic. It must be proven. Insurance companies look for ways to blame the victim because it saves them money.

If you or someone close to you has been injured in a pedestrian accident you should contact a personal injury attorney early to protect your rights.



We trust products we use every day to be safe. Usually, they are. When they are not safe people can suffer injury and even death. Recovery on a product liability injury claim is not automatic. It must be proven. Product liability can be based on manufacturing defects, design defects, failure to warn, or breach of warranty. If you or someone you know has suffered injury as a result of a defective product contact our Seattle Personal Injury Lawyer for a free injury case evaluation.


Insurance companies are for-profit businesses, not charities. Paying claims costs money.
If you believe your insurance company unfairly denied your claim or misled you into buying the wrong coverage, you may be right.

Insurance law gives you important protections and rights as an insurance policyholder. Do not give up hope. Contact us to find out more.



Medical malpractice is a breach of the standard of care by a doctor or other medical provider that causes injury or death.

Doctors and hospitals usually get it right, but when they do not the consequences can be serious, even devastating. If you believe you or someone close to you has been injured by medical malpractice, hospital error or negligence, nursing home abuse, surgery error, or other medical or professional negligence you should seek the advice of a medical malpractice attorney.

The Law office of Reed Yurchak is a full-service personal injury and business litigation practice serving clients in the Seattle and Bellevue areas. Since opening many years ago, attorney Reed Yurchak has developed a strong track record of success, helping many clients earn lucrative verdicts and settlements. He prepares every case as if it will go to trial. This effort maximizes the settlement value of your case. Our extensive litigation experience allows us to deliver the exceptional representation you deserve.

When facing rehabilitation costs, mounting medical bills, and lost wages due to time away from work, the consequences can be financially crippling for you and your family. Attorney Reed Yurchak is here to help, and he will fight aggressively to protect your rights every step of the way.


If you would like to discuss your case with Attorney Reed Yurchak, contact our offices! The best way to learn about your rights and options is to speak with attorney Reed Yurchak in person. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation at our Bellevue personal injury office.

lick on the button above to use our website contact form or try out the communication chat box below to schedule your FREE CONSULTATION TODAY. You can also call (206) 866-0766 or (425) 941-6659. We will examine the details of your case and determine which legal strategies may be best for you.



Car Accident Book
A book on Washington State auto accidents that provides a wealth of information on what to do following a car accident.

Teens and Distracted Driving
A non-profit organization dedicated to teaching teens about the dangers of distracted driving.

Department of Transportation
Safety tips from the U.S. Department of Transportation.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Learn safe driving tips, how to keep your child safe in the car, and find the most recent driving statistics.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving
An organization committed to putting an end to drunk driving.

Smart Car Safety
An interesting video on Smart Car safety.

Motorcycle Safety
Motorcycle Safety Foundation website

Motorcycle and Bicycle Helmet Laws
List of motorcycle and bicycle helmet laws for every state.

American Motorcyclist Association
Convenient list of all the laws guiding motorcycle use in Washington.

Washington Motorcycle Licensing
Find out what it takes to get your motorcycle license in Washington.

Seattle Bicycle Maps
Maps to help you find the best locations to ride your bike in Seattle.

Drinking and Riding
Interesting article about the dangers of drinking and riding your motorcycle.

Child Bike Safety
Article dedicated to informing people about child bike safety.

Seattle Pedestrian Law
List of pedestrian laws in the city of Seattle.

Washington State Pedestrian Laws
Pedestrian safety from the Washington State Department of Transportation.

Wrongful Death
In Case of Death – A book about handling a wrongful death claim in Washington State.

Washington State Law
Revised Code of Washington law on wrongful death.

Seattle Childrens Hospital
A great Seattle hospital to take your kids if they have been involved in any kind of accident.

Whiplash Injuries
A lot of really good information about the causes and effects of whiplash and how to detect them.

A valuable resource of health information for anyone who believes they are injured or sick.

Kids Health Website
A site for parents to look into specific injuries or health problems for their children.

Harborview Medical Center
One of the top hospitals in the nation for serious accident related injuries. One location is just outside of downtown, another is in the University District.

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These collections of factors include at least 30% of the traffic fatalities and serious injuries between 2012-current. The second most responsible collection of factors are the distraction (drive and non-motorist) involvement, unrestrained vehicle occupants, an unlicensed driver involved, opposite-direction (head-on) collisions, motorcyclistspedestrians, and older drivers 70+ years involved. Of the total, the aforementioned are responsible for 10-30% of fatal and serious injury collisions. The final “priority level three” amounting to 10% of fatalities and serious injuries involve drowsy drivers, heavy trucks, and bicyclists. Statewide, King county accounts for 109 of the 551 total fatalities, .64 out of every 10,000 licensed driver, .53 out of every 10,000 persons, 576 of the 2,096 total serious injuries. Pierce county leads the second with 66 of the 551 total fatalities and 264 of the serious injuries; Snohomish 53 of the total fatalities, 179 of the serious injuries; Spokane having 36 of the total fatalities, and 114 of the serious injuries; Yakima, Clark, Grant, Whatcom and Thurston with lower double-digit numbers leaving the rest of the counties with single digits.

Of the total number of fatalities and serious injuries occurring over the New Years, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Holidays. Each of those days are computed over a 3.5 day to 4.5 day period accounting for vacations and time off. Of those involved in collisions and fatalities, 114,297 males versus 81,924 females, and 14,221 unknown genres. Males were responsible for 541 fatalities where ages 25-034 leading with 113 fatalities versus females accounting for 226 fatalities and 25-34 age group also leading with 48; males account for twice as many fatalities. Of the age group and genders for collisions with injuries, 1,751 males of the ages 25-34 accounted for 389 serious injuries 790 females between 25-34 accounted for 168 serious injuries, less than half the male counterpart. 75,742 males were involved in damage only collisions and 52,425 females, with 17,131 males between the ages of 25-34 leading the gender and age group.

The largest group of contributing circumstances, as highlighted previously was inattention-driver distractions accounting for 46,348 of the collisions, second to under the influence for fatalities, 160 versus 237 individuals. Inattentive drivers accounted for 550 serious injuries versus under the influence accounting for 299Minor injury collisions were led by inattentive drivers, followed by excessive speed (6,235), then following too closely (6,188). Property damage only collisions were caused by 30,195 inattentive drivers, 13,968 failures to yield the right-of-way, 12,452 following-too-closely, 12,438 excessive speeders, and 3,386 drivers under the influence. April 2015 had 5,180 cell-phone case filings and 716 text case filings in Washington State Court, with May dropping to 2,922 phone and 425 texting respectively. The rest of the months ran between 1,167 phone and 181 texting to 2,918 phone to 402 texting. Within the classification of distracted drivers, “inattention” receiving 33,949 of the total.

Washington State Court cases, outside the vehicle distractions, accounted for 1,714, drivers changing the car stereo 328, eating or drinking 284, smoking 81, grooming themselves 21, and “unknown” activities 6,942.

These statistics show the vast amount of reasons at no fault of the prudent driver that accidents are caused by a number of reasons outside their control. Yet, despite the number of causes, regardless of the reason, still a shocking number of people are killed, seriously injured, and serious property damaged – while a shocking number of cases are “unknown”. Even when statistic and information so detailed tell us the reasons why accidents occur, where they occur, and when they occur, they still occur and there still are perpetrators and victims – and the injured victims need a voice and an experienced attorney that understands the companies, players, individuals and stakes involved to work on your behalf.

The underlying fact that we don’t get paid unless you win – puts us squarely in your corner. Finally, statistically speaking out of the total vehicles colliding including fatal, minor, major injuries, property damage, 195,195 passenger vehicles are involved, vastly more than the 6,091 commercial vehicles and heavy trucks, 2,440 motorcycles, 625 vehicles, and 685 “others” – showing that you are much more likely to be disputing your property, personal and medical costs and damages with another individual’s insurance company. The odds are stacked against you going at it alone.

13555 SE 36th St, Ste 100 Bellevue, WA 98006
Phone: (206) 866-0766
Fax: 425.654.1205
Business Hours:
Monday - Sunday 8:30AM - 11:30PM